Ονομάζεται Χρήστος Κουϊμτσίδης, κατάγεται από την Καβάλα, διαπρέπει στο εξωτερικό, και είναι ο νέος Εθνικός Συντονιστής Αντιμετώπισης των Ναρκωτικών στη χώρα μας.
Την παρουσίασή του στην τελευταία συνεδρίαση της Εθνικής Επιτροπής Σχεδιασμού και Συντονισμού για την Αντιμετώπιση των Ναρκωτικών, έκανε ο Υπουργός Υγείας Ανδρέας Ξανθός.
Ο Υπουργός τόνισε πως πρόκειται για έναν επιστήμονα εγνωσμένου κύρους με σταδιοδρομία στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία που θα συμβάλει καθοριστικά στη συνολική προσπάθεια που καταβάλλεται στη χώρα μας για την αντιμετώπιση της μάστιγας των ναρκωτικών, και χαρακτήρισε τη συγκεκριμένη συνεδρίαση της επιτροπής ως μια επανεκκίνηση της διαδικασίας κατάρτισης ενός Εθνικού Σχεδίου για την αντιμετώπιση των ναρκωτικών και των άλλων εξαρτήσεων, πάνω σε συγκεκριμένους και καθορισμένους άξονες. Ο κ. Ξανθός πρόσθεσε ότι στόχος της πολιτικής του Υπουργείου είναι μέσα από συλλογική προσπάθεια να υπάρξει μια ολιστική, συνεκτική και αποτελεσματική παρέμβαση που θα προσφέρει άμεσα και ορατά αποτελέσματα στην κοινωνία και στα ίδια τα εξαρτημένα άτομα. “Στόχος μας είναι η καθολική κάλυψη των αναγκών του πληθυσμού που θα βασίζεται σε ένα μακρόπνοο σχεδιασμό ο οποίος θα ξεπερνά τα όρια μίας κυβερνητικής θητείας”, ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά, και συμπλήρωσε πως το υπουργείο Υγείας προτίθεται να παράσχει κάθε δυνατή βοήθεια προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση. “Επιδίωξή μας είναι σε αυτή την προσπάθεια να συμμετέχουν τα εμπλεκόμενα υπουργεία, οι φορείς και όλες οι δημόσιες δομές που δραστηριοποιούνται στον τομέα αυτό, με σεβασμό στην ιστορία και στην προσφορά του καθενός και με συγκεκριμένους-διακριτούς ρόλους και υποχρεώσεις”, είπε. Τέλος ο Υπουργός χαρακτήρισε σημαντικό το γεγονός ότι το νομοσχέδιο που συζητείται αυτές τις μέρες στη Βουλή περιέχει σημαντικές και πρωτοποριακές για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα παρεμβάσεις, όπως είναι οι Χώροι Εποπτευόμενης Χρήσης, οι Κοινωνικοί Συνεταιρισμοί Ένταξης (ΚΟΙΣΕΝ) και η ηλεκτρονική συνταγογράφηση ναρκωτικών για ιατρική χρήση.
Από την πλευρά του ο Χρήστος Κουϊμτσίδης ανέφερε ότι στην Ελλάδα έχει γίνει ήδη μεγάλη προσπάθεια στην αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος των ναρκωτικών και αυτό που χρειάζεται είναι να υπάρξει σωστός συντονισμός δράσεων προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί το καλύτερο δυνατό αποτέλεσμα, τόσο για την κοινωνία όσο και για τον ίδιο τον χρήστη ουσιών. Τόνισε ακόμα ότι σε αυτήν την προσπάθεια θα συμβάλλουν σημαντικά τα στοιχεία και τα παραδείγματα που υπάρχουν από άλλες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, αφού πρώτα αξιολογηθούν αυστηρά και προσαρμοστούν στις ανάγκες της χώρας μας. Σημείωσε τέλος, ότι από τη λειτουργία της επιτροπής περιμένει έναν γόνιμο και εποικοδομητικό διάλογο που ακόμα και μέσα από διαφωνίες και αντιθέσεις θα μπορεί να συνθέσει ένα καθαρό και σαφές μήνυμα προς την κοινωνία.
Στην Εθνική Επιτροπή Σχεδιασμού και Συντονισμού για την Αντιμετώπιση των Ναρκωτικών, μετέχουν εκπρόσωποι συναρμόδιων υπουργείων και εποπτευόμενων φορέων του υπουργείου Υγείας (ΟΚΑΝΑ, ΚΕΘΕΑ, ΨΝΑ, ΨΝΘ, Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης και Πληροφόρησης για τα Ναρκωτικά, Δίκτυο Κέντρων Πρόληψης των Εξαρτήσεων και Προαγωγής της Ψυχοκοινωνικής Υγείας).
Δρ. Χρήστος Κουϊμτσίδης
Πτυχίο Ιατρικής, MSc, FRCPsych, CCST, PhD
ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ: 1972-1978:13ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Καβάλα, Ελλάδα / 1978-1984: 2ο Λύκειο Καβάλα, Ελλάδα
ΥΠΟΤΡΟΦΙΕΣ: Κληροδότημα Κρήτσκη (ιατρική σχολή 1984-1990) / Ερευνητική Υποτροφία, (1997-1998) Department of Academic Psychiatry, UMDS, University of London. Επιβλέπων Professor J.P Watson.
- Πτυχίο Ιατρικής Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης (Λίαν Καλώς 7), 1990.
- MSc in Mental Health Studies, U.M.D.S, University of London (1996).
- MRCPsych, Royal College of Psychiatrists, U.K. (1997). Τίτλος ειδικότητας.
- FRCPsych, Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK (2016). Τιμητική Διάκριση
- Πιστοποιητικό Εξειδικευμένης Κατάρτισης, Γενική Ψυχιατρική για Ενήλικες (Ψυχιατρική Εθισμού) (2002).
- Διδακτορικό (PhD in Psychological Medicine), Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. Επιβλέποντες: Professor C. Drummond, Dr. D. Stahl and Professor R. West (2009).
- Πτυχιακή εργασία: «Η φύση των προσδοκιών έκβασης και άλλων ψυχολογικών διαδικασιών στον εθισμό».
- 2016 Gold CARE Leader Award, SABP. Χρυσή διάκριση για Ηγετικές Iκανότητες.
- 2015 HSJ Award for Clinical Research Impact Research & Development Department of SABP. 1ο Βραβείο για Κλινική Έρευνα για το τμήμα Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης.
- 2011 Nominated for Chair’s Award of the best employee: leadership skills / Υποψήφιος για το βραβείο Καλύτερου Εργαζόμενου (ηγετικές ικανότητες).
- 2009 Chair’s Award of the best employee. Βραβείο Καλύτερου Εργαζόμενου.
- 2009 Governors’ Award: NW Herts CDAT / Βραβείο Διοικητών 2009: Έπαινος στην κλινική ομάδα για το σεβασμό προς τους χρήστες υπηρεσιών και την παροχή ποιοτικών υπηρεσιών.
- 2008 Team Bronze Award to NW Herts CDAT / Χάλκινο Βραβείο για την κλινική ομάδα για την αξιολόγηση των υπηρεσιών αλκοόλ.
- 2006 Team Gold Award to NW Herts CDAT / Χρυσό Βραβείο για την κλινική ομάδα για τη μείωση του χρόνου αναμονής των υπηρεσιών αλκοόλ.
- 2004 Team Gold Award to NW Herts CDAT / Χρυσό Βραβείο για την κλινική ομάδα για τον έλεγχο και την επέκταση των Υπηρεσιών Κοινοτικής Πρωτοβάθμιας Φροντίδας.
- Το 2008, η κλινική ομάδα ήταν υποψήφια για το Βραβείο Καινοτομίας Υπηρεσιών της Ανατολικής Περιφέρειας της Αγγίας για τις υπηρεσίες αλκοόλ.
- Από τον Ιανουάριο του 2018
Επίτιμος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Ιατρικής, Πανεπιστήμιο του St Andrew’s, Σκωτία.
- Από τον Απρίλιο του 2016. Διευθυντής: Professor Alex Baldacchino.
Επίτιμος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Ιατρικής, Τμήμα Επιστήμης Εγκεφάλου, Imperial College, Λονδίνο. Διευθυντής: Professor David Nutt.
- Από τον Ιούλιο του 2018 (μερική απασχόληση)
Διυθυντής Ψυχίατρος στις εξαρτήσεις ARC Hounslow, Central and North West London, NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), Λονδίνο.
- Από τον Ιούλιο του 2018 (μερική απασχόληση)
Διυθυντής Ψυχίατρος στις εξαρτήσεις NW iACCESS Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust (SABP), Surrey.
- Από τον Ιανουάριο του 2018
Ιδρυτής και Εκτελεστικός Διευθυντής της Gaia Healthcare LTD. Μια διεθνή πρωτοβουλία για την προώθηση της κλινικής πρακτικής βάσει τεκμηριωμένων στοιχείων, της κατάρτισης και της έρευνας σε εθισμούς και ψυχική υγεία.
- Από τον Απρίλιο του 2012
Διευθυντής Ψυχίατρος στο Κέντρο Ψυχιατρικής του Λονδίνου, Λονδίνο.
- Ιούλιος 2014-Μάιος 2018
Πρόεδρος για την Κλινική Ακαδημαϊκή Ομάδα για την Ψυχική Υγεία, Surrey Health Partners, University of Surrey.
- Νοέμβριος 2012 – Αύγουστος 2016
Επίτιμος Ανώτερος Ερευνητικός Συνεργάτης University College London & Επίτιμος Ανώτερος Ερευνητικός Συνεργάτης Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT).
- Αύγουστος 2008-Αύγουστος 2011
Επίτιμος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Ερευνών Αλκοόλ, Ινστιτούτο Ψυχιατρικής, King’s College, Λονδίνο.
- Μάιος 2003 – Αύγουστος 2008
Επίτιμος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Εθιστικής Συμπεριφοράς / Ψυχικής Υγείας, St. George’s University of London.
- Νοέμβριος 2012-Ιούλιος 2018
Διευθυντής Ψυχίατρος στις εξαρτήσεις iHEAR Hounslow London και NW iACCESS Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust (SABP).
- Αύγουστος 2010- Μάρτιος 2012
Ανώτατος Διευθυντής Υπηρεσιών Εθισμού Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT).
- Σεπτέμβριος 2002 – Μάρτιος 2012
Διευθυντής Ψυχίατρος στις εξαρτήσεις HPFT.
- Εκπρόσωπος του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου για το SMART Recovery International Board από τον Αύγουστο του 2018.
- Πρόεδρος του Φόρουμ Διευθυντών Ψυχιατρικής στις Εξαρτήσεις Λονδίνου, υπό την αιγίδα της Υπηρεσίας Δημόσιας Υγείας Λονδίνου, από τον Μάιο του 2018.
- Κέντρο Προώθησης Ερευνών για το Εθνικό Ινστιτούτο Ερευνών Υγείας (NIHR) από το 2015.
- Εκπρόσωπος του Κολλεγίου Ψυχιάτρων στις εξαρτήσεις Ανατολικής Αγγλίας (2006-2012).
- Reviewer for: TRIALS, National Institute for Health Research, British Journal of Psychiatry, Addiction, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Drugs Education Prevention and Policy, Journal of Substance Use, Journal of Substance Abuse, British Medical Journal on line and RCPsych Eastern Region Academic Prizes (2008-2012).
- Ιδρυτικό μέλος της Κοινοπραξίας για τις Δεξιότητες στις Υπηρεσίες των εεξαρτήσεων (Substance Misuse Skills Consortium) (2010-2013).
- Ειδικός εκπρόσωπος του Δικτύου Ειδικών Κλινικών στις Εξαρτήσεις (SCAN) στην επιτροπή ανάπτυξης των κατευθυντήριων γραμμών NICE για τις ψυχοκοινωνικές παρεμβάσεις στις εξαρτήσεις και την εξάρτηση από τα οπιοειδή (2005-2007).
- A feasibility study of an intervention for structured preparation before detoxification in alcohol dependence: the SPADe trial. Funded by the Research for Patients Benefit programme of the NIHR, PB-PG-0815-20014, 2017-2020, £234,599. Chief Investigator. In collaboration with University of East Anglia, University Of Surrey, University of Sussex and Imperial College London.
- Group Mindfulness Based Therapy for distressing persecutory delusions: A pilot study for a randomised controlled trial. Funded by the Research for Patients Benefit programme of the NIHR, PB-PG-1014-35002. 2016-2018, £151,857. Principal Investigator for sponsor. Chief Investigator: P. Chadwick, King’s College London.
- Appointment of a grant application author and co-ordinator of the final stage of pre-submission preparation by the Mental health CAG. Funded by Surrey Health Partners £8,010. 2016.
- A study exploring the process underlying a pre detoxification Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Group intervention for dependent alcohol users. Funded by Alcohol Education and Research Council. 2014-2015, £4,889. Chief Investigator. In collaboration with Kings College London.
- A feasibility study of a psychological intervention to address alcohol misuse for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities living in the community (EBI-LD). Funded by the Research for Patients Benefit programme of the NIHR. 2013-2015, £199,019. Chief Investigator. In collaboration with University College London.
- An exploratory qualitative study seeking participant views evaluating preparation for alcohol detoxification groups (PAD study). Funded by Alcohol Education and Research Council. 2011, £4,999. Chief Investigator. In collaboration with the University of East Anglia.
- A randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of supervised consumption in patients managed with opiate maintenance treatment (SUPER – C). Funded by the Research for Patients Benefit programme of the NIHR. 2008-2010, £249,000. Principal Investigator for sponsor. In collaboration with the University of East Anglia.
- The nature of outcome expectancies and other psychological processes in addiction. University of London grant (£1000) and A.G. Leventis Foundation (£1000), 2006.
- The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for opiate addicts in methadone maintenance treatment: a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial (UKCBTMM).
- Funded by the Department of Health Drug Misuse Initiative 2000-2003, £410,000, (2nd lead).
- Substance Misuse: Identifying research priorities in Primary Care. Funded by the London NHS Executive, Department of Health 2000, £4,000. (Co-applicant, member of the Primary Health Addiction Research Group).
- Exploring the optimal assessment of hazardous alcohol use and its effects on cognitive impairment in the elderly. In collaboration with Dr V. Raymont, Imperial College London, 2014-2016.
- Drug Treatment and Testing Order Study: The experience of service users and staff of services in a rural area in England. Principal Investigator, 2004-2005
- The prevalence of trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in a sample of substance misusers attending community substitution treatment. Clinical lead, 2004-2005 in collaboration with Brunel University.
- A description of cognitive profile of women with eating disorder’s psychopathology attending community drug services. Clinical lead, 2003-2004
- Prisoners’ Experience of Treatment for Opioids dependence in Wandsworth Prison, 2003
- Experiences of Substance Misuse and service provision among female sex workers in South London, 2001
- Prevalence of Substance Misuse among women attending family planning clinics in a rural area in Britain, 2001
- Prevalence of substance misuse in the general hospital (DALT study). Principal investigator, 2000
- Validation of the Illness Perception Questionnaire with substance misusers attending community substitution treatment. Principal Investigator, 1997.
- Audit of Take Home Naloxone policy implementation in iHEAR, 2017.
- Qualitative evaluation of «Forget Me Not service»; a women only service for substitution treatment, 2015-2016.
- Evaluation of the “Old Junction”; a service for people on substitution treatment for longer than 5 years, 2016.
- Implementation and evaluation of alcohol liaison service in general hospital Gastro outpatient clinic at West Middlesex Hospital, 2015-2016.
- Caseload review audit in iHEAR, 1st cycle 2013-2014.
- Assertive prescribing project in iHEAR; evaluation of the first 3 months, 2014.
- Evaluation of Alcohol Treatment Pathway in Windmill team (first 6 months), 2013-2014.
- Evaluation of Alcohol Treatment Pathway in iHEAR service, Hounslow, 2013.
- Audit of safe prescribing of Methadone; risk of QTc elongation, 1st cycle 2013.
- Use of Care Plans in all Community Drug and Alcohol Teams in Hertfordshire, 1st cycle 2007-08, 2nd cycle completed November 2011.
- Use of ECG to monitor QTc interval, 1st cycle completed November 2011.
- Interagency Liaison in Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder, 1st cycle 2009 & 2nd cycle completed August 2011.
- GP in shared care audit and satisfaction survey; 2010.
- Implementation of Hep B vaccination programme in Herts CDATs, 1st cycle 2010 & 2nd cycle 2011.
- NW Herts Addictions Academic Programme. Report for Period May 2008- April 2009. Summary Report May 2005-April 2009. Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Implementation of Alcohol Treatment programme across Herts. 1st cycle 2009 & 2nd cycle 2010.
- Service users’ satisfaction of care plans, 2009. (Survey).
- Blood Borne Viruses prevention and treatment practices, audit across Hertfordshire. 1st cycle 2005 & 2nd cycle 2007-08.
- Evaluation of CBT preparation and relapse prevention group intervention for alcohol dependent clients. Audit on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a newly developed programme (2007-8).
- Evaluation of Drug Intervention Programme, 2006. Evaluation of the practice of the newly developed DIP programme in Hertfordshire and comparison with NW Herts CDAT.
- Prescribing Treatment for Substance Misuse provided by specialist services and Shared Care in North West Hertfordshire, 1st cycle 2003 & 2nd cycle 2006. The first ever audit within Substance Misuse services in Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust.
- The use of triage forms by the NW Herts CDAT, 2004. Audit of the pilot triage form.
- Efficacy of Drug and Alcohol Liaison Team Service at St. George’s General Hospital, 2000.
- Injecting behaviour and quality of care provided by the Addiction Treatment Centre, 1998-99.
- Attrition rates of new referrals at the Addiction Treatment Centre, 1998-99.
- Treatment completion rates at the Greenbank Substance Recovery Unit, 1998-99. Audit of treatment completion rates in connection with patient’s characteristics and with special emphasis on the use of other substances secondary to alcohol.
- The use of the seclusion room at Medway Hospital, North Kent Mental Health Trust, 1996.
- Patel A, Gibbor L, Douch R, Welstead M, Cahill E, Kouimtsidis C, Wilson D, Gregory S, Manalo M, Mandalia P, Deriziotis S, Kaya S, Wells K, Raymont V. 2018. The Validity of the Alcohol-Use-Disorder-Identification-Test and a Novel Proxy Test in the Assessment of Alcohol Consumption in the Cognitively Impaired Elderly. Journal of Addiction Research, 2(1), 1-8.
- Williams F, Kouimtsidis C, Baldacchino A. 2018. Alcohol use disorders in people with intellectual disability. BJPsych Advances, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 264-272. https://doi.org/10.1192/bja.2017.37
- Sami M, Notley C, Kouimtsidis C, Lynskey M, Bhattacharyya 2018. Psychotic-like experiences with cannabis use predict cannabis cessation and desire to quit: a cannabis discontinuation hypothesis. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291718000569
- Kondoni T, Kouimtsidis C. 2017. What stops people on long-term opioid substitution from considering completing their treatment? A qualitative study. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 17 (4), pp.232-241. https://doi.org/10.1108/DAT-09-2017-0055.
- Kouimtsidis C, Scior K, Baio G, Hunter R, Pezzoni V, Hassiotis A. Development of a manual for Extended Brief Intervention for alcohol misuse for adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities living in the community. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. (DOI: 10.1111/jar.12409
- Zamar A, Warrya G, Kouimtsidis C. 2017. Two cases of Bipolar Affective Disorder treated with high dose Levothyroxine. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Open. DOI: 10.1177/2054270417715567
- Kouimtsidis C. Structured Preparation before Alcohol Detoxification; a shift from the current treatment paradigm. 2017. Editorial Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 8:326. DOI:10.4172/2155-6105.1000326.
- Kouimtsidis C, Bosco A, Scior K, Baio G, Hunter R, Pezzoni V, Mcnamara E, Hassiotis A. 2017. A feasibility randomised controlled trial of extended brief intervention for alcohol misuse in adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities living in the community. TRIALS, 12;18(1):216. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-1953-0
- Zanos P, Georgiou P, Weber C, Robinson F, Kouimtsidis C, Nilforooshan R, Bailey A. 2017. Oxytocin and opioid addiction revisited: Old drug, new applications. British Journal of Psychopharmacology, DOI: 10.1111/bph.13757.
- Kouimtsidis C, Charge KJ, Moch J, Stahl D. Abstinence Preparation Group Intervention for dependent alcohol users. How does it work? Results of a process study. Journal of Substance Use, 22(2): 149-155. DOI: 10.3109/14659891.2016.1153164.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. 2015. Path Analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Models in smoking. What is the relationship between concepts involved? Journal of Substance Use, DOI: 3109/14659891.2015.1093559.
- Kouimtsidis C, Sharma E, Smith A, Charge KJ. 2015. Structured intervention to prepare dependent drinkers to achieve abstinence; results from a cohort evaluation for six months post detoxification. Journal of Substance Use, DOI:3109/14659891.2015.1029020.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. 2015. Negative expectancies measured with the Substance Use Beliefs Questionnaire can differentiate controls from those in treatment for alcohol dependence. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 15 (2), 76-81.
- Kouimtsidis C, Hassiotis A, Scior K, Hunter R, Baio G, Pezzoni V. 2015. A feasibility study of a psychological intervention to address alcohol misuse for people with mild to moderate learning disabilities living in the community (EBI-LD); study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials DOI: 10.1186/s13063-015-0629-x.
- Croxford A, Notley C, Maskrey V, Holland R, Kouimtsidis C. 2015. An exploratory qualitative study seeking participant views evaluating group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy preparation for alcohol detoxification. Journal of Substance Use, 20(1), 61-68.
- Anand I, Smith A, Charge KJ, Kouimtsidis C. Are we doing enough to enhance attendance to aftercare? Service Users’ Evaluation of a group Relapse Prevention programme for alcohol dependence. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 15 (1), 9-11.
- Filippidou M, Brown A, Kouimtsidis C. From Hysteria to Conversion disorder: the profile of the Sufferers. World Cultural Psychiatry Research Review, 9(3), 132-139.
- Pezzoni V & Kouimtsidis C. 2014. Screening for Alcohol Misuse within People attending a Psychiatric Intellectual Disability Community Service. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, DOI: 10.1111/jir.12168.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. 2014. Can outcome expectancies be measured across substances? Development and validation of a questionnaire for populations in treatment. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 14(4), 172-186.
- Pullin J, Kouimtsidis C. Alcohol liaison services for the general hospital. Is a specialist nurse necessary to improve service effectiveness and quality? Mental Health Practice, 18. 1, 28-29.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. 2014. How important are Positive and Negative Outcome Expectancies in the treatment of Addiction. A narrative review of the literature. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 3, 137-149. (DOI 10.1108/DAT-11-2013-0051).
- Holland R, Maskrey V, Notley C, Robinson A, Swift L, Gale T, Kouimtsidis C. Treatment retention, drug use and social functioning outcomes in those receiving three months versus one month of supervised opioid maintenance treatment. Results from the Super C randomised controlled trial. Addiction, DOI, 10.1111/add.12439.
- Kouimtsidis C, Kolli S. Preparation for alcohol detoxification group programme. Service users’ evaluation of individual sessions. Journal of Substance Use, Vol. 19, No. 1-2, 184-187.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. 2014. Path Analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Models in substance misuse. What is the relationship between concepts involved? Journal of Substance Use, 19 (6),399-404.
- Notley C, Holland R, Maskrey V, Nagar J, Kouimtsidis C. Regaining control: The patient experience of supervised compared with unsupervised consumption in opioid substitution treatment. Drug and Alcohol Review (early view: doi: 10.1111/dar.12079).
- Kouimtsidis C, St John- Smith P, Kemp P, Ikkos G. 2013. Evidence Based Mental Healthcare and Service Innovation: Review of Concepts and Challenges. Psychiatriki (English ed.), 24(1), 45-54.
- Kouimtsidis C. Community alcohol detoxification; the challenge of changing service provision. Short report. Journal of Substance Use, 18(2), 166-169.
- Sairam M, Magon R, Kouimtsidis C. Enhancing the effectiveness of community drug & alcohol teams in working with opioid dependent pregnant women in substitution treatment. The Psychiatrist, 36(11), 421-423.
- Felice AM, Kouimtsidis C. Level of support and quality standards for GPs providing substitute prescribing treatment in Hertfordshire. Mental Health Practice, 16 (1), 19-22.
- Reynolds M, Nayak S, Kouimtsidis C. Intrusive Memories of trauma in PTSD and Addiction. The Psychiatrist, 36 (8), 284 – 289.
- Kouimtsidis C, Reynolds M, Coulton S, Drummond C. 2012. How does Cognitive Behaviour Therapy work with opioid dependent clients? Results of the UKCBTMM Study. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 19(3), 253–258.
- Kouimtsidis C. Drabble K & Ford L. 2012. Implementation and evaluation of a three stages community treatment programme for alcohol dependence. A short report. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 19 (1), 81-83.
- Sairam M & Kouimtsidis C. 2011 Introduction to Alcohol use disorders & treatment of alcohol dependence. The Foundation Year Journal; Psychiatry Issue December 2011.
- Kouimtsidis C, Wikramanayake M, Patel R, Schifano F, Grieve S. 2011. Implementation of Hepatitis B vaccination programme in Hertfordshire Community Drug Teams. E letter The Psychiatrist.
- Reynolds M., Hinchliffe K., Asamoah V., Kouimtsidis C. Trauma, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in a Substance Use Community Clinic. The Psychiatrist, 35, (7), 256-260.
- Kouimtsidis C. & Ford L. 2011. A staged programme approach for alcohol dependence: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy groups for detoxification preparation and aftercare; preliminary findings. Short report. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 18 (3), 237-239.
- Kouimtsidis C. Cognitive theories of addiction; a narrative review. Psychiatriki (English ed.), 21(4), 315-323.
- Mosedale B, Kouimtsidis C, Reynolds M. 2009. Sex work, substance misuse and service provision: the experiences of female sex workers in South London. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 16 (4), 355-363.
- Kouimtsidis C, Edwards J, Wallis C, Drable K. 2008. Drug Interventions Programme: Is the clinical profile of service users different from those attending standard services? Psych. Bulletin,32, 245-7.
- Felice AM, Kouimtsidis C. Shared Care for Treatment of Opioid Dependence; the effect of the new General Medical Services contract on service development. Psychiatric Bulletin;32, 88-90
- Kouimtsidis C, Reynolds M, Asamoah V. 2007. Treatment or prison; service users and staff experience of Drug Treatment and Testing Orders in Hertfordshire. Psychiatric Bulletin, 31: 463-466.
- Broderich C., Kouimtsidis C. 2007. Treatment for Opioids dependence: Prisoners’ Experience in Wandsworth Prison. Drugs and Alcohol today; 7(4): 17-21.
- Kouimtsidis C & Padhi A. 2007. A case of late-onset Dependence on cocaine and crack. Addiction; 102: 666-667.
- Kouimtsidis C, Schifano F, Sharp T, Ford L, Robinson J, Magee C. 2006. Neurological and psychopathological sequelae associated with a forty-thousand ecstasy tablets lifetime intake. Psychosomatics; 47: 86 – 87.
- Drummond, C., Kouimtsidis, C., Reynolds, M., Russell, I., Godfrey, C., McCusker, M., Coulton, S., Parrott , S., Davis, P., Tarrier, N., Turkington, D., Sell, L., Merrill, J, Williams, H., Abou-Saleh, M., Ghodse, H., Porter, S., Daw, R., Fyles, N., Keating, S., Moloney, A., Pryce, K., Mehdikhani, M., Barnaby, B., Jack, L., Ruben, S. and UKCBTMM Project and Team (2005). The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for opiate misusers in methadone maintenance treatment: A multicentre, randomised, controlled trial. UKCBTMM Study: United Kingdom Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Study in Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Drugs-Education Prevention & Policy, 12. 69-76.
- Reynolds M., Valmana A., Kouimtsidis C., Ghodse A.H. 2005. An investigation of descriptive and experimental aspects of intrusive thoughts in a sample of substance dependent inpatients. Addiction Research and Theory, 13(4), 347-357.
- Lind J., Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M., Hunt M, Drummond C., Ghodse A.H. 2003. Drug Misuse in General Hospital. Journal of Substance Use, 8 (3).
- Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M., Hunt M., Lind J., Beckett J., Drummond C., Ghodse A.H. 2003. Substance Use in the General Hospital. Addictive Behaviours, 28, 483-499.
- Tolland E., Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M. 2003. Substance Misuse among women attending family planning clinics in a rural area in Britain. Prevalence and associated problems. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 10 (2), 195-202.
- Hunt M., Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M., Lind J., Ghodse A.H., Smoking among patients admitted to the General Hospital. A missed opportunity for early intervention. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 10, (1), 31-38.
- Kouimtsidis C. 2002 Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Alcohol intoxication. A rare but complex to manage condition. Crisis, 23,(2),74 -77.
- White C., Kouimtsidis C., D’Souza M., Freeman H., Grau M., Saunders V., Toosey T., Trompetas A., Wake M., Annan J., Ghodse A.H., 2002. Substance misuse services in primary health care. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 9, (3), 305-310.
- Beckett J., Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M., Ghodse A.H. 2002. Substance misuse in elderly general hospital in-patients. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, 193-196.
- Lind J., Hunt M., Kouimtsidis C., 2000. The Addictions Nurse as part of a Drug and Alcohol Liaison Team: Pioneering new frontiers. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 12, 101-103.
- Kouimtsidis C., Abou-Saleh M., 1999. Psychological treatment of Substance Abuse: A review. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 10, 62-70.
- Kouimtsidis C, Scior K, Hassiotis A. A Manual for Extended Brief Intervention for Alcohol Misuse by People with Learning Disabilities; http://www.sabp.nhs.uk/research/news-and-events/alcohol-misuse-pld
- Kouimtsidis C, Bosco A, Scior K, Baio G, Hunter R, Pezzoni V, Hassiotis A. Alcohol misuse in people with mild to moderate learning disabilities living in the community; lessons from the Extended Brief Intervention in learning disabilities(EBI-LD) feasibility study. Alcoholis, April 2017 | Vol 39 | No. 2 | ISSN 1351-054
- Mueller C, Brooks A, Kouimtsidis C, Sullivan P, Raymont V. Establishing a novel psychiatrist-led outpatient service for traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychiatry News, 11, 30-32.
- Kouimtsidis C. & Duka T. 2014. Structured intervention to prepare dependent drinkers to achieve abstinence; is there a case for shifting the prevailing treatment paradigm? Hellenic Psychiatric Association London branch, invited editorial, December.
- Kouimtsidis C. & Lynch J. 2014. Alcohol New Directions; conference presentation and evaluation; editorial. Surrey and Borders Partnership online journal.
- Sharma E., Smith A, Charge KJ, Kouimtsidis C. Evaluation of abstinence preparation group implementation in Windmill Team. Surrey and Borders Partnership online journal.
- Magon R. & Kouimtsidis C. Opiate dependence and pregnancy. In: 101 recipes for audit in Psychiatry; eds: Oakley C, Coccia F, Masson N, McKinnon I, Simmons M. Blackwell & Royal College of Psychiatrists Publications, London, 49-52.
- Tanna E. & Kouimtsidis C. 2011. Care plans in Community Drug and Alcohol Teams. In: 101 recipes for audit in Psychiatry; eds: Oakley C, Coccia F, Masson N, McKinnon I, Simmons M. Blackwell & Royal College of Psychiatrists Publications, London, 111-113.
- Kouimtsidis C. & Drummond C. 2010. Cognitive behaviour therapy for opiate misusers in methadone maintenance treatment. In: Responding to Drug Misuse; Research and Policy Priorities In Health and Social Care. Edited by Susanne MacGregor. Routledge, London.
- Kouimtsidis C. 2009. The nature of outcome expectancies and related psychological processes in addiction. PhD thesis, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London.
- Kouimtsidis C. How to publish addiction research. SCAN-bites, January issue. (Invited)
- Kouimtsidis C, Reynolds M, Drummond C, Davis P, Tarrier N. 2007. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the Treatment of Addiction: A Treatment Planner for Clinicians. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, London.
- Drummond D C, Kouimtsidis C, Reynolds M, Russell I, Godfrey C, McCusker M, Coulton S, Parrott S, Davis P, Tarrier N, Turkington D, Sell L, Williams H, Abou-Saleh M T, Ghodse A H, Porter S. 2004. The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for opiate misusers in methadone maintenance treatment: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial (UKCBTMM). Final report to the Department of Health Research & Development Directorate.
- Kouimtsidis C, & Baldacchino A. 2003. Pregnancy, Substance Misuse and the Health of the Infant. In Maternal Health and Substance Misuse Monograph, ECCAS, EEU funded publications.
- Kouimtsidis C & McCloud A, 2001. Addiction and its stigma. Update, 62, 380-384.
- McNulty J., Kouimtsidis C., 2001. Outcomes of Treatment Interventions in Drug Abuse. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 14, 201-205.
- Kouimtsidis C, 2000. Role of craving in substance misuse. Current Opinion in Psychiatry,13:299-303.
- International Society of Addiction Medicine ISAM BUSAN 2018; plenary speaker: Supervised Consumption in Opioid Substitution Treatment; A barrier or an incentive for behaviour change? A 10 years challenge.
- International Society of Addiction Medicine ISAM BUSAN 2018; Pre-habilitation in the treatment of alcohol dependence.
- International Society of Addiction Medicine ISAM BUSAN 2018; Alcohol treatment services: a purely community service.
- EUROPAD conference, 2018. Could and should CBT models being used across substances?
- ICAAD conference 2018. Alcohol misuse in special populations.
- European Society Biological Research on Alcoholism ESBRA annual conference 2017. (I) Plenary speaker: Alcohol misuse in special populations. (II) Clinical implications and interventions to reduce the risk of unsuccessful alcohol detoxifications. (III) Cognitive behavioural treatment in alcohol use disorders. A user guide.
- Royal College of Psychiatrists International Conference 2017. (Organiser and chair): Alcohol misuse and services in special populations: learning disabilities, people with traumatic brain injuries and pregnant women for the management of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
- Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, 2016. (On behalf of EBI-LD study group). A feasibility study of extended brief intervention for alcohol misuse in adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities living in the community.
- Organisation Against Drugs of Greece, alcohol conference. Athens, May 2016. Treatment interventions for alcohol dependence.
- Addiction Faculty Royal College of Psychiatrists International Conference, 2016. (Organiser and speaker), Lingford-Hughes A, Duka T. What is the evidence supporting a change of the treatment paradigm of alcohol dependence? The role of structured preparation prior detoxification.
- International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) congress, Dundee 2015. (Organiser and speaker), Lingford-Hughes A, Duka T. What is the evidence supporting a change of the treatment paradigm of alcohol dependence? The role of structured preparation prior detoxification.
- Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, 2014. Structured preparation for alcohol detoxification. Is there enough evidence to change the treatment paradigm? Results from a cohort study.
- Surrey National Conference on Alcohol, May 2014. Kouimtsidis C, Lynch J, Flanagan M. (organisers). Alcohol; Future Directions. Kouimtsidis C. Structured Preparation for Alcohol Dependence; need to change treatment paradigm.
- Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, November 2013. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy treatment models revisited; the role of negative expectancies.
- Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, November 2012. (On behalf of the PAD group study). An exploratory qualitative study seeking participant views evaluating preparation for alcohol detoxification groups.
- Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, November 2011. (On behalf of SUPER-C group). Effectiveness, cost effectiveness and qualitative evaluation of supervised consumption in substitution treatment? Results of the SUPER-C trial.
- Annual Meeting of the Addiction Faculty of the RCPsych, May 2011. (On behalf of SUPER C group). Is supervised consumption an expensive barrier to substitution treatment? Results of the SUPER C trial.
- 21st Pan-Hellenic Congress, May 2011, Athens. (I) Adapt and Survive: Innovation in Mental Health Services in the National Health Service in England. (II) National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines; their value and challenge of local implementation.
- 2nd Pan-Hellenic Thematic Congress of Psychiatry: Drug Abuse, Comorbidity, Prevention and Therapy. Thessaloniki, Greece, March 2010. (I) Invited keynote speaker: Evidence based alcohol services. (II) CBT applications in substance misuse services; the UK experience (workshop).
- World Conference on Cognitive Behavioural Therapies. Barcelona, July 2007. (Symposium organiser); Drummond C, Copello A, Baraclough C. New developments in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy of Substance Misuse; the UK Experience.
- European Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies EABCP, Manchester, September 2004. (On behalf of the UKCBTMM Project Group). ‘Training implications & applicability of CBT to the NHS drug treatment setting’.
- Annual Meeting of Hellenic Psychiatric Association, 1994. Karastergiou A., Zambioglou G., Kallinis C., Kouimtsidis C. ‘Four years since the opening of the Acute Psychiatric unit. Implications for service planning’.
- Kouimtsidis C (on behalf of EBI-LD study group). A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial of Extended Brief Intervention for Alcohol Misuse in Adults With Mild to Moderate Intellectual Disabilities Living in the Community. 25th European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 17), Florence, 2017.
- Gupta N, Wright R, Silva C, Kouimtsidis C. Evaluation of the effectiveness of “Forget me Not” clinic, a women only opioid replacement treatment service. Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, 2016; Royal College of Psychiatrists International Conference, 2016.
- Kondoni T, Dendere P, Kouimtsidis C. What stops people on long-term opioid substitution from completing their treatment? Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, 2016.
- Kelly-Jo Charge, Joanna Moch, Christos Kouimtsidis. A study exploring the process underlying a pre detoxification Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Group intervention for dependent alcohol users; the Abstinence Preparation Group (APG). Royal College of Psychiatrists, International Conference,
- Anand I, Smith A, Charge KJ, Kouimtsidis C. Are we doing enough to enhance attendance to aftercare? Service Users’ Evaluation of a group Relapse Prevention programme for alcohol dependence. Royal College of Psychiatrists, Annual meeting 2015; Annual Meeting of the Addiction Faculty of the RCPsych, 2015; Society for Studies of Addiction Annual Meeting, November 2014.
- Kouimtsidis C. Sharma E, Smith A, Charge KJ. Structured preparation in the treatment of Alcohol Dependence: Results of a prospective cohort evaluation. Royal College of Psychiatrists, Annual meeting 2015; Annual Meeting of the Addiction Faculty of the RCPsych, 2015.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. Negative expectancies measured with the Substance Use Beliefs Questionnaire can differentiate controls from those in treatment for alcohol dependence. Annual Meeting of the Addiction Faculty of the RCPsych, 2015.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. 2014. Path Analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Models in substance misuse. What is the relationship between concepts involved? Annual Meeting of the Addiction Faculty of the RCPsych, 2015.
- Sharma E, Smith A, Charge KJ, Kouimtsidis C.Abstinence orientated structured preparation in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Evaluation of the Windmill Team Alcohol Care Pathway. Royal College of Psychiatrists, International Conference, 2014.
- Kouimtsidis C. On behalf of the PAD group study. An exploratory qualitative study seeking participant views evaluating preparation for alcohol detoxification groups. Royal College of Psychiatrists, International Conference, 2013.
- Kouimtsidis C. Structured preparation for alcohol detoxification. Service evaluation and results exploratory qualitative study seeking participant views. Annual Meeting of the Addiction Faculty of the RCPsych, May 2013.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. The nature of outcome expectancies and related psychological processes in addiction. Royal College of Psychiatrists, Annual meeting, 2011.
- Kouimtsidis C on behalf of SUPER C group. A randomised controlled trial of supervised consumption. MHRN 2011 National Scientific Meeting Cambridge 6th -8th April 2011.
- Holland R, Kouimtsidis C on behalf of SUPER C group. A randomised controlled trial of supervised consumption in patients managed with opiate maintenance treatment.39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Academic Primary Care, 2010.
- Kouimtsidis C, Stahl D, West R, Drummond C. The nature of outcome expectancies and related psychological processes in addiction. Annual Meeting of the Addiction Faculty, RCPsych, 2010.
- Kouimtsidis C. & Ford L. A staged programme approach for alcohol dependence: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy groups for detoxification preparation and aftercare; preliminary findings. Royal College of Psychiatrists Eastern Region Academic meeting, 2010.
- Magon R, Lowe A, Kouimtsidis C. Interagency Liaison in Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder. Royal College of Psychiatrists Eastern region Academic meeting, 2010.
- Singleton L, & Kouimtsidis C. 9 months of SUPER C trial: A randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of supervised consumption in patients managed with opiate maintenance treatment. Sharing Good Practice, Hertfordshire Conference, 2008.
- Kouimtsidis C, & Drabble K. Current practice of the community drug and alcohol teams on blood borne virus disorders across Hertfordshire. Getting it Right in practice: Collaboration not Competition, 2007.
- Reynolds M, Kouimtsidis C; Asamoah V. The link between trauma experiences and substance misuse. European Association for Addiction Studies, 2006.
- Drummond C, Kouimtsidis C, Reynolds M et al. The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for opiate misusers in methadone maintenance treatment: a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial (UKCBTMM). Mental Health Research Network Scientific Conference, 2005.
- Liviero M., Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M. A description of cognitive profile of women with eating disorder’s psychopathology attending community drug services. Annual Conference of European Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy, 2005.
- Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M., Assamoah V., Lowe A. Drug Treatment And Testing Order Study: The experience of service users and staff of services in a rural area in England. Annual Meeting of Addiction Faculty, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2005.
- Mosedale B., Kouimtsidis C., Reynolds M. Experiences of Substance Misuse and service provision among female sex workers in South London. Annual Residential Meeting of Substance Misuse Faculty, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2005.
- Broderich C, Kouimtsidis C, Reynolds M. Prison inmates views of treatment options. An exploratory study. Annual Meeting of Addiction Faculty, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2005.
- Reynolds M., Valmana A., Kouimtsidis C., Ghodse A.H. ‘An investigation of descriptive and experimental aspects of intrusive thoughts in a sample of substance dependent inpatients’. BABCP annual conference, Glascow, 2001.
- Kouimtsidis C and the Primary Health Addiction Research Group. ‘Substance Misuse: Identifying research priorities in Primary Care’. London NHS Executive, DH Conference, 2000.
National Institute for Health Research, British Journal of Psychiatry, Addiction, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Drugs Education Prevention and Policy, Journal of Substance Use, Journal of Substance Abuse, British Medical Journal on line.
2016-2017 External examiner; Addressing alcohol related training needs for health professionals
across South London. King’s Health Partners & South London and Maudsley NHS
Foundation Trust.
2013- now Clinical and educational supervisor; Kent, Surrey and Sussex Deanery
2013 Qualified Educational Supervisor Programme; KSS Deanery.
2012-2013 R.I.T.E workforce development programme; advanced module in psychosocial interventions in addictions; from theory to practice (6 cycles of 3 sessions).
2010-2012 R.I.T.E workforce development programme; a Hertfordshire programme for mental health and substance misuse. Invited speaker for master class in couples and family interventions, substitution treatment, alcohol dependence, cannabis diversion programme and co-morbidity (e-learning) modules.
2010 Harm Minimisation Training the Trainers programme; an innovative programme for service users and carers; lead on development and implementation.
2008-2012 Educational and clinical supervisor for Psychiatry trainees (all levels)
2008-2012 MSc in Mental Health, Postgraduate Medicine Dept, University of Hertfordshire (invited speaker).
2003-2012 Participation in PCT training (RCGP course Part 1 & 2), A&E SHO, MRCPsych training in Hertfordshire (invited speaker)
1998 –2008 MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Distance Learning Diploma in Addictive Behaviour, Certificate in Substance Misuse, SGUL (lecturer, tutor, marker)
2002 & 2004 Master classes on Addiction, Dundee University, Scotland (invited speaker); one and two day lectures on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Substance Abuse.
2000-2004 Examiner: 3rd year students OSCE’s exams and final exams in psychiatry, SGUL.
2000-2003 Mental Health Module Tutor (3rd year students’ tutor, Mind module, addiction seminars, non-modular teaching). Problem Based Learning Tutor (Sleep disorders). Foundation Module: Health and Behaviour (1st & 5th year students) SSM tutor for 3rd year students.
2001-2002 Training in Substance Misuse for Community Pharmacists, Social Workers and General Practitioners for Wadsworth Drug Action Team.
1998-2000 MSc in Addictive Behaviour co-ordinator of the DUAL diagnosis module 1998-99 & 1999-2000), SGUL.
1998-2002 MRCPsych Part II course, SGUL
1997-1999 MSc in Mental Health, UMDS: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Module: CBT in Substance Misuse.
1997 –1998 MRCPsych Part II course, UMDS.
1995–1997 Undergraduate students, UMDS, Guy’s Hospital. Clinical supervision of the students attached to the Consultant Psychiatrist.
- Οκτώβριος 2001-Αύγουστος 2002: Ανώτερος Ειδικευόμενος (Specialist Registrar) στη Γενική Ψυχιατρική, Ανώτερο σχήμα ειδικότητας George’s Hospital Medical School.Λονδίνο.
- Σεπτέμβριος 1999 – Σεπτέμβριος 2001: Κλινικός Λέκτορας (Clinical Lecturer) Ψυχιατρική Εξαρτημένων Συμπριφορών, Τμήμα Εθιστικής Συμπεριφοράς & Ψυχολογικής Ιατρικής, St. George’s Hospital Medical School. Επιβλέπων: Professor Hamid Ghodse.
- Σεπτέμβριος 1998 – Σεπτέμβριος 1999: Ανώτερος Ειδικευόμενος (Specialist Registrar) στη Ψυχιατρική Εξαρτήσεων, Ανώτερο σχήμα ειδικότητας George’s Hospital Medical School.Λονδίνο. Επιβλέπων: Professor M. Abou-Saleh.
- Ιούνιος 1994 – Αύγουστος 1997 Βασικό σχήμα ειδικότητας στη Ψυχιατρική Guy’s and St Thomas University of London: Παιδοψυχιατρική, Διανοητική Υστέρηση, Διασυνδετική Ψυχιαορτική Γενικού Νοσοκομείου, Εξαρτήσεις, Κοινοτική Ψυχιατρική Ενηλίκων, Ψυχιατρική Εγκλεισμού.
- Νοέμβριος 1990 – Ιούνιος 1002 Ψυχιατρικό Νοσοκομείο Θεσσαλονίκης:Τμήμα Οξείας νοσηλείας, Τμήμα Χρονίας Νοσηλείας.